The Face Hole Series

How your voice works

We use our whole body to create our unique voice, but our voice is more than just the sum of its parts.

Dr. Linda Dahl
3 min readJul 31, 2022


Last Sunday, July 24th, Joni Mitchell took to the stage at the Newport Folk Festival. It was her first performance since 2015 when a nearly fatal aneurysm rendered her voiceless. Like many in the audience–and even those on stage–I wept as I listened. But it wasn’t just the words to her beautiful songs that moved me. It was hearing them in her voice, unfiltered and enriched by her personal experiences and emotions.

If you haven’t guessed, I’m a huge fan of voices. For nearly two decades I’ve taken care of countless singers from Broadway and TV to major recording artists and everyone in between. These singers all have one thing in common: their voice is their instrument, and they can’t do their job without it. The rest of us take it for granted.

Vocal Cords

Vocal production is a fascinating show of biomechanics.



Dr. Linda Dahl

Physician. Author of Tooth and Nail:The Making of a Female Fight Doctor & Better Breastfeeding, @doctorlindadahl